Friday, October 18, 2013

Week 7 Update

Breaking News: The Mystery Has Been Solved! 
Our Mystery Reader program is in full swing! Our little investigators have been very excited to hear the new Mystery Reader clue be revealed each morning. On Monday we welcomed our first Mystery Reader, Alyssa’s Grandma Darlene, who read “No Clean Clothes” by Robert Munsch.  On Friday we had a bonus Mystery Reader day, with two Mystery Reader guests, Myla's Grandma, Marina, and  Aidan’s mom, Amanda. Marina read "Swamp Water" by Robert Munsch and Amanda read "Pirates Don't Change Diapers!" by Melinda Long.  It’s so refreshing to have family and community members become part of our classroom on a weekly basis.

Check Out the Spelling Bees in Room 125! 
Since it is a short week, the students and I thought it would be best to write our spelling test on Monday, October 21st, so they have the weekend to practice. I have introduced “Rainbow Writing” to our class, as a way for students to practice their spelling words at school or at home. The students roll a die, and use a key to determine what color of marker they will use to write out their spelling word. (Example: 1 = Red, 2 = Green, 3 = purple…) When you have written the word in all 6 colors, say the word aloud. Continue until you have written each spelling word in all of the colors.

*Supply Request*  Whiteboard Markers: I'm asking students to please bring their own whiteboard markers to school to use during Work on Writing and Word Work. Students have taken interest in practicing their writing on individual whiteboards, which I have supplied. However, there is not always enough white board markers available for everyone to practice this way at the same time. With cold and flu season among us, I believe it's in everyone's best interest to have their own set of white-board markers to use every day.

Parent Portal:
I have published all of your child’s assignment marks online, so you will be able to view them on Parent Portal, if you haven’t already done so. If you did not pick up your username and password from me already, you can stop by the office to pick up your log-in information. Otherwise, you will receive your parent portal information during the parent/teacher conference in November. Thank you for your patience in waiting for the information to be published for parent viewing.

Important Dates and Reminders:
Monday, October 21, 2013                            Spelling Test
Friday, October 25, 2013                               Green Day
Wednesday, October 30, 2013                       Photo Retakes

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