Thursday, November 7, 2013

Week 10 Update

Field Trip Fun!
Our class had a BLAST at the Science Centre this week. The students applied what they know about forces to a variety of small experiments during our Everyday Forces workshop. We explored the Science Centre, and also took in an Imax Movie called "Kenya 3D: Animal Kingdom". We were the only class there and had the entire Science Centre to ourselves (BONUS!).  A BIG thanks goes out to our parent volunteers Cindy, Leanne, Sandra and Mirjana.

Remembrance Day:On Thursday we had our Remembrance Day assembly with St. Gabriel School. Isabelle H. and Maddux laid the class wreath on behalf of our Grade 2 class. It was a lovely ceremony. We have been practicing the Remembrance Day Pledge:

 We Pledge -
That as adults and children - 
We will do what we can - 
To solve conflicts -
And prevent wars -
Starting today, -
In my home, -
In my classroom, -
And on the playground, -
I will be a peacekeeper.

Mystery Reader:
Although it is a short week, we were very lucky to have a Mystery Reader on Thursday afternoon. Our Mystery Reader was Avi's mom, Kesar! Kesar read "Wait and See" by Robert Munsch. Thanks again to all of our Mystery Readers for making each day a little more exciting. The students love putting the clues together and guessing who the Mystery Reader could be!

Used Clothing Drive:
The SCC will be collecting used clothing to be donated to Albert Park School. Please send all donations to school with your child between November 12th to 20th. All clothing should be sent in a plastic bag and left in the front foyer of the school.

Student Fees:It has been brought to my attention that when paying the student fees online, there was only an option to pay for the agenda ($4.50) but not the Math Makes Sense Workbook ($21.50). I have been informed that the Math Workbook has now been added as a payment option. You can now pay both the agenda and math workbook online. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Important Dates and Reminders:
Friday, November 8, 2013:            No School (PD Day)
Monday, November 11, 2013:       No School (Remembrance Day)
Thursday, November 14, 2013:     November book orders are due.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013:  Pick up date for Albert School clothing donations

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