Saturday, December 21, 2013

Week 16 Update

What a wonderful, fun filled week at Jack MacKenzie. Our class had something special to look forward to each day of the week!

Christmas Concert
The students did a great job at the Christmas concert singing "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas". They put a lot of work into learning the song and getting the actions "just right" and I'm very proud of them! We had a class practice on the stage on Monday, the full rehearsal on Tuesday morning and it was "lights, camera, action" Tuesday afternoon and evening for the performances in front of our families. Mrs. Hinz puts on a spectacular Christmas Concert every year and the students are very lucky to learn from such a passionate and creative music teacher! 

The concert theme was "Winterlude" and each class made their own snowflakes to decorate the gym. I thought it would be fun to create a different take on the snowflake so our class made snowflake ballerinas! They were a big hit and turned out beautifully. 

QSP Pizza Party
On Wednesday we celebrated selling the most QSP magazine subscriptions with a class pizza party over lunch. Thanks again to Cindy Rogers for organizing the party and making sure each student got to have their favorite kind of pizza! Cindy has put many smiles on our students faces by organizing and delivering the QSP monkeys and her help with organizing our pizza party is greatly appreciated. Thanks Cindy!   We also had a very special guest join us for lunch, Mr. MacKenzie! Jack also brought his ukulele and played a few Christmas songs for our class. It was an extra special treat!

Royal SK Museum Field Trip
On Thursday, the fun continued as we boarded the school bus and traveled to the Museum! Students took part in the "Time Well Spent" workshop where we learned about the First Nations way of life, the buffalo, and played a few games that First Nations children played. We had a few extra minutes to visit the animal exhibits before heading back to the school. Thank you Leanne, Chad, Cindy, and Annabelle for joining us on our trip. 

Class Potluck Lunch
Thank you to everyone who came out to the class potluck on Friday! We had a great turn out and it was so nice to come together to eat, laugh and be merry! I can't thank our home room parent, Amanda Scollan, enough for all of the things she has done for the kiddos and I over this last semester. Amanda has created very special memories for our students by planning and carrying out events like our amazing Halloween Class Party and our Family Potluck Lunch. Thank you for working with your child to help Amanda create a beautiful scrapbook of our time together. What a special keepsake of photos and personal notes from the students!

Thanks your for your positive feedback and support over the last 4 months, it has truly helped guide and motivate me as I begin my career. I will be teaching Grade 3/4 at Gladys McDonald school for the remainder of the school year. If your child ever wants to say hi, or share their latest classroom success stories I would love to hear from them! They are more then welcome to send me an e-mail update! (

I feel so blessed to have had this experience here at Jack MacKenzie School. I couldn't have dreamed of a better start to my career and a more wonderful group of staff, students and families to work with. Not only has this group of students help me grow as an educator, but as I reflect on our time together I'm amazed at how much we can learn in life itself from these little beings! To laugh without abandon, do things you truly enjoy and have fun everyday. Own your accomplishments and not measure your success based on what others have done. Dream big and without limits. Think positive, and show your love and appreciation (It's amazing how a little note or drawing from a student can impact your day!). Always have the courage to be yourself, stand out from a crowd and do your own thing! I'm most amazed by the genuine kindness these students show to those around them and I know without a doubt they will continue to make effort and kindness count!

Have a wonderful, warm and relaxing holiday!

Ms. Cameron

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