Saturday, August 31, 2013

Parent Project

Parent Project

I am writing to ask you to become a partner with me in your child's education. I will only have your child for a short time so I want to make a contribution that will last a lifetime. I know my teaching must begin with making children feel at home in the classroom and helping all students come together into a learning community. This community is made up of unique individuals, each with his or her own learning style, interests, history, hopes and dreams. 

I would like you to please help me by writing a letter about your child. This letter will help me get to know your child better.  After all, you are the expert!

In your letter, please include the following:

·       What are your child’s strengths? These can be academic, athletic or social.

·       What are your hopes and aspirations for your child this year?

·       Do you have any other information about your child that I should know?

Once you have completed this letter, please enclose it in an envelope labeled: Letter About My Child. Please send the letter to school with your child by  Monday, September 16, 2013

Thank you for helping me get to know your child better. I hope to use the information provided to help me assist your child in reaching their full potential this school year.

Thank you for your cooperation. I look forward to a wonderful partnership in your child's education.

Ms. Cameron

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