Thursday, August 29, 2013

Welcome Back Letter

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I want to extend to you and your child my warmest welcome into our classroom.  My name is Tayler Cameron and I am thrilled to be your child’s second grade teacher until December 2013. In January, your child will be greeted by their new teacher Shannon Sanchuck. Mrs. Sanchuck is currently completing her Master of Education Degree and will be returning in January 2014.

I feel very lucky to be joining such a passionate and committed school community. I have a passion for early literacy and providing students with the tools to become more independent readers.  I’m excited for the new school year to begin and look forward to meeting you and your child.  

Communication between home and school is essential to a successful school year. Two main tools for daily communication between home and school include your child’s agenda and our classroom blog.

1)    Agenda: 
Writing in our agendas will become a significant part of our daily routine. Each day your child will write a daily message or reminder in their agenda. During this time, I will be checking each student’s agenda. If you need to write me a note, the agenda is a convenient place to do so.  I will also be using the agenda to communicate with you when necessary. Please check and sign your child’s agenda each night so that I know you have received important messages that were sent home. Notes will be sent home in the front pocket of your child’s agenda. 

2)    Classroom Blog:
Another important communication tool is our classroom blog. This blog will act as a virtual window into our classroom. This is a great way to stay connected and share with our family what we have been doing in our classroom each week. You can access our blog at or from the Jack MacKenzie home page, using the “classrooms” link.  Please visit this classroom blog regularly for weekly updates, pictures, reminders, upcoming events and helpful resources.  

Home Reading Homework: Reading at home daily is an important routine that significantly contributes to your child’s success in school. We will begin a home reading program in our classroom this month. Students have 10 minutes each morning to sign a book out from our school library for home reading. This is their daily Grade 2 homework. Students will record what they read in their Reading Log. Please take a few minutes each night to listen to your child read.

Spelling: At the beginning of each week, I will have students copy a list of spelling words into their agenda under the heading “Words of the Week”. Please practice these words with your child so that they will be ready for our weekly spelling test, which will take place every Friday.   These are high frequency words that will help your child become more fluent readers and writers. Please set aside a little bit of time each day to help your child work on learning how to spell these words. Our spelling program will start in the upcoming weeks.

Snack: It is very hard for students to concentrate if their tummies are grumbling. Please send a small nutritious snack for your child daily. We usually have our snack at story-time, right after the morning recess. Please ensure that all snacks and lunch contents are nut free

*Students are allowed to bring a water bottle to school each day to keep on their table. Having a water bottle eliminates frequent trips to the water fountain and ensures proper hydration. Not only is staying hydrated associated with energy levels, but it also affects our concentration and focus. The more hydrated we are, the better we learn!

Classroom Management
Fun Friday:  Students will have the opportunity to take part in "Fun Friday" each week. Fun Fridays gives the students approximately 30 minutes each Friday to interact with their peers in a social setting. Students can play games with each other, explore the materials in the art or math centers, read together and so on. Students who participate in Fun Friday must have completed all of their work that week and must have behaved in an appropriate manner. If they have not, they will miss some of Fun Friday to finish their work, or to practice more desired behaviors. Students are given three warnings for inappropriate behavior. After three warnings students will lose five minutes of "Fun Friday" time. 

School Library:  In addition to the daily Home Reading Book Exchange, students will also visit the library every day 4. On this day students can fill up their book boxes with new books to read during The Daily 5. 

Parent Volunteers:  I greatly appreciate parents lending an extra hand within the classroom. Whether it is helping with special projects or class field trips, these exciting learning experiences wouldn't be possible without the help of parent volunteers. The Regina Public School Board policy requires that all people wishing to work in the school as a volunteer complete a current Volunteer Criminal Record Check. Volunteers can get their Criminal Record Check, free of charge, at the Regina Police Station.  From time to time I may need volunteers to help with field trips, projects or special events. These volunteer opportunities will be posted on the classroom blog or in your child’s agenda.

Become a Mystery Reader: Please consider coming into our room as one of our “Mystery Readers”. Mystery Readers can be parents, guardians, grandparents, older siblings, or other relatives. Occasionally Mystery Readers may be staff members.  Students love to see their parents, grandparents, and special friends get involved in our classroom! This exciting opportunity requires little time, and the memories for the surprised students will last forever!  Please stay tuned to our classroom blog for more details about our Mystery Reader program and how to get involved.

Book Orders:  I will be sending home a Scholastic Book Order each month with your child. The due date for orders will be written in your child’s agenda. If you would like to order from Scholastic, please return the order form with a cheque made out to Scholastic.

September BBQ: 
Our annual Back to School BBQ and Meet the Teacher Night will be held on September 12th. Please stay tuned for more details.

Our classroom is always open to your input and suggestions. If you have any questions/concerns, or would like to discuss your child's progress with me, please do not hesitate to call (791-8585), e-mail ( stop by our classroom, or write a note in your child’s agenda.

I consider it a great privilege and responsibility to be your child’s teacher.  I look forward to getting to know you and your child this upcoming year!


Ms. Cameron

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