Friday, September 27, 2013

Week 4 Update

Choosing Good Fit Books:
We are continuing to learn how to pick good fit books using the 5 Finger Rule and I PICK model:

P: Purpose – Why do I want to read? (for fun, to learn about a topic etc.)
I: Interest – Do I like the book or find it interesting?
C: Comprehend – Do I understand?
K: Know – Do I know most of the words?

We have been having a blast learning alongside eachother in a variety of ways! One day the students even decided to create their own math song inspired by a rhyming poem we had read about patterns! Over the last few weeks I've realized that we have quite the musical bunch of students in our classroom. Although I'm not a singer by any means, I really enjoy the enthusiasm for learning displayed by this group of students. Lately, we have been learning through music and movement in a way that makes knowing how to pick a good book nearly impossible to forget! Trust me - the students and I can’t get this tune out of our heads! We often sing it as one of our brain breaks. Check it out! 

Students are practicing a poem called “I’m Very Happy to be Me”. The poem is short and sweet, making it easy for students to remember while working on their oral speaking skills.  We have been practicing reading with expression and using loud, clear voices.

I’m Very Happy to be Me!
________ is my hair, 
________is my eyes. 
I’m _________ years old,
I’m just the right size.
My name is ___________
And as you can see, 
I’m very happy to be me!

We are continuing to work on three of the Daily 5 components read to self, read to someone, and listen to reading every day. This has been the first week where students have had the opportunity to self-select which component they would like to work on during each of the 3 rounds of the Daily 5. Each student has 3 small clips, labeled with their name. Upon entering the classroom each morning, students are expected to clip their 3 choices onto our rotation chart. I’m so proud of how independent our class becoming with each week that passes by. 

Aside from choosing good fit books, we have also introduced a new reading strategy called “Connect to the story”. During story time, our class is naturally eager to make connections with the story and share how it relates to their own lives.  I encourage students to do the same during their reading to activate their background knowledge on a particular topic, increase their understanding of the text and remember what they have read.

Terry Fox Run:
This week our class collected Toonies for Terry and took part in the Terry Fox Run on Friday. We walked towards the Sandra Schmirler Leisure Centre, around the lake, and back to the school to commemorate Terry’s Marathon of Hope. 

Please remember to sign your child’s agenda each night so I know you have received any important notes home or messages. Thank you!

Ms. Cameron

Friday, September 20, 2013

Week 3 Update

We have had an exciting week and are learning more about our classmates every day! We are continuing to work on our "All About Me" theme and encouraging kindness within our classroom. We have been talking about how our words and actions affect others and we will continue to build on these friendship skills throughout the semester.

This week we have started working on our printing.  Our work on printing gives students the chance to practice proper letter formation and writing neat on a straight line. Although letter reversals when printing are quite common at the beginning of the year, our focus on individual letters will help correct these mix-ups.  For example, students commonly reverse the letter’s “b” and “d”.  We have been using the terms “sky letters”, “grass letters”, and “dirt letters” as a visual reminder during our writing activities.

In addition to our printing, we also kicked off our spelling program this week. Students will write 10 new “Words of the Week” in their agendas every Monday. Students are expected to practice these words at home and will write their spelling test every Friday. On Friday your child will take home their corrected test to share with you. Please sign their spelling test to show you have seen the results and send the notebook back with your child every Monday.  

Word Work Has Never Been So Fun!
After introducing our “Words of the Week”, I gave students a chance to explore the different word work materials within our room. If students finish their work early, I encourage them to practice their spelling words to help prepare for Friday’s test.  However, students will still need to practice these words at home, as I can’t guarantee they will have enough practice time at school to be successful on Friday’s test. Spelling is part of their weekly homework.  Students can practice and create words using scrabble magnets, banana-grams, letter tiles, letter stamps, whiteboards, “rainbow writing” and more! When I first introduced the idea of “practice your spelling words”, I didn't get many cheers of excitement. However after students realized HOW they were able to practice, they were fully engaged and didn't want to stop! 

We are continuing to work on patterning in math. I love seeing the students take pride in their work and request a picture to share with you at home!  We have been working individually and with partners to create and extend a variety of repeating patterns. Our pattern hunt around the school was a highlight for many this week. Our math detectives were able to find patterns of many shapes, colors and sizes and share their findings with the class.

We have been continuing the Read to Self and Read to Someone components of the daily 5.  Students are learning how to be good reading partners and are currently learning about “Coaching or Time”. When students notice their partner is stuck on a word while reading aloud, they will count to 3 silently and then ask “Do you need coaching or time?”  If their partner requests time, they are to wait patiently while their friend figures out the word on their own. If they request coaching, students work together to decode the unknown word using the many strategies we have been learning during our whole group instruction.

Picking Good Fit Books:
We have been learning how to pick good fit books. Just like Goldilocks in “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”, it’s important to pick books that are not too easy, and not too hard, but just the right fit.  Students are also encouraged to use the “5  Finger Rule” when selecting their books. Thanks to Mrs. Wilke, our students are now able to access the library every single morning, as opposed to the original 3 days a week as described in the Back to School package.  This is great news as students will have a new book to read at home every single night!

Mystery Reader Update:
I’m excited to announce that all of our Mystery Reader dates have been filled! I would like to send a BIG THANK YOU to all of our Mystery Readers for your help with this project. If you are still interested in being a mystery reader, however the dates or times provided didn’t fit your schedule, please let me know.  I would be more than happy to discuss an alternate time with you, so you can be included in the program. Just because the list is “full” doesn't mean we can’t have some additional surprise reading guests throughout the semester!

Please note that there is a typo in the Back to School packages regarding the November conference date. Parent/teacher conferences will be held on Friday, November 29th, not the 30th as shown in the package. 

* Parent Project: Letter About My Child. Please send the letter to school with your child before 
 September 30th

* Please remember to check and sign your child's agenda each night. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Week 2 Update

School BBQ and Open House
Thank you to everyone who came out to the BBQ and Open House Thursday night. It was a fantastic event and I really enjoyed meeting you and your family. The students had a great time preparing the classroom room for our Open House guests. They completed a “Guess Who” writing activity and created their own personalized team jersey to display for our families.   If you were unable to attend, please stop by our classroom, at your earliest convenience, to pick up your child’s Parent Portal Information. 

New Reading Strategies
This week we added 2 new reading strategies to our Café board:
1) Practice and Read Again (Fluency):
By backing up and rereading what we have already read students can practice how to read with greater fluency, expression and understanding.
2) Listen for Interesting Words (Expanded Vocabulary):
We have also been focusing in on interesting words during our Daily 5 reading to increase our vocabulary. Students are encouraged to share any interesting words they come across in their reading during our Daily 5 check in. 

*We are continuing to work towards building our reading stamina.  Our current reading stamina is 18 minutes!  This is a big accomplishment as we started at only 3-5 minutes of focused reading at the beginning of last week.  Each day is a celebration when students learn they have exceeded their previous record of time spent on task.  We have also introduced the next component of the Daily 5 called Read to Someone.

In math, we are currently working on unit #1: Patterning
Students have been exploring repeating patterns which include 2 or more attributes (size, shape and color). We have also been learning to identify a pattern’s core (the part that repeats itself). It has been a lot of fun creating our own patterns through music, dance and hands on materials!

Mystery Reader Update:
I'm thrilled over the excitement the Mystery Reader Program is stirring up in our classroom! If you are interested in becoming a Mystery Reader there are still spots available! Please check the Mystery Reader blog post to see which dates are currently available. I will be updating the blog post regularly, as the dates are requested. Thank you to those who have volunteered to be a Mystery Reader. I greatly appreciate your help in making this exciting idea come to life! It wouldn't be possible without your help!

Parent Project: "Letter About My Child" is due Monday, September 16th.
* I understand life can be busy, so please know that I will happily accept the letters after this date. However, I would greatly appreciate it if the letters were completed before the end of the month. I will be sharing these letters with Mrs. Sanchuck in January to help with a smooth transition for your child.

Scholastic Book Orders: Due Tuesday, September 17th
Picture Day: Wednesday, September 18th 
*Please fill out the "Smile Flyer" if you wish to select your child's pose and background. The flyer was sent home with the photo release, lunchroom and school directory forms. 

Home and School Connection:
Help your child explore and identify patterns in their home and community.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Mystery Reader

What is a Mystery Reader?
Mystery Readers are special guests who come to our classroom to read a story to our class. Mystery Readers can be parents, guardians, grandparents, older siblings, or other relatives. Occasionally, Mystery Readers may be staff members from Jack MacKenzie School.

When Do Mystery Readers Come?
The program will start in October. A Mystery Reader will come into our classroom every Friday after recess at 2:15.  However, if a Mystery Reader needs a different time to suit their schedule, we’ll be more than happy to accommodate!

How Can I Sign Up To Be a Mystery Reader?
I will fill the Mystery Reader Calendar on a first come first serve basis.  The Mystery Reader sign-up sheet will be available at our Open House. However, you can stop by our classroom at any time or send a request to be part of the program through e-mail ( Please be specific about which Friday you would like to attend and the time you are available (if different than 2:15).  I will continue to update the "Available Dates" chart below so you can check in to see which dates are still open as the calendar begins to fill up. I will confirm the date and time with you once I have received your request.  Your child will be SO excited that you participated, but remember to keep it “top secret” until your big day arrives!

How Does The Mystery Reader Program Work?
Once you’ve signed up for an available date to come read to our class, you can start thinking of a book you would like to bring to read. If you don’t have a book, I will be glad to have one for you. When completing the sign up sheet, you will list  5 clues  about yourself that start general, and become more specific. By the fifth clue, your child should be able to guess that you are the special Mystery Reader for the day! We will read one clue each day of the week, leading up to the big reveal of our Mystery Reader on Friday.
It will be a real treat for the students to welcome family, friends and members of the community into our classroom each week. Everyone benefits from listening to adults share their love of reading!
Examples of Clues:
  • I love to read and eat chocolate
  • I work at a school - but not your school! 
  • My family vacations at the beach every summer
  • I have 2 dogs and 1 horse
We mix M&M's in our popcorn every family movie night

Mystery Reader Available Dates:

Friday, October 11, 2013                FILLED
Friday, October 18, 2013                FILLED
Friday October 25, 2013                 FILLED
Friday, November 1, 2013              FILLED

Friday, November 15, 2013            FILLED
Friday, November 22, 2013            FILLED
Friday, December 6, 2013              FILLED
Friday, December 13, 2013            FILLED 
The following is a copy of the sign up sheet. If requesting to participate by email, please include the information below in your message.

 Thank you for volunteering to be a Mystery Reader! Please fill out the following information and send it to school with your child in a sealed envelope. 
Shhh! It's top secret!
Requested Date: ______________________________
Childs: Name:   ________________________________
Mystery Reader’s Name: ________________________
Relation to Child: ______________________________
Mystery Reader’s Phone Number: _________________
Mystery Reader’s Email Address: __________________
___ I have a book to read           ___ I will need a book from the classroom
Clues About the Mystery Reader:
1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________

Thank you for your help with this exciting project!
Ms. Cameron

Friday, September 6, 2013

First Days of School

I feel very lucky to learn alongside such a bright and energetic group of students this semester.  This past week we have been busy practicing classroom routines and procedures, creating a caring classroom climate and of course learning about each other along the way!

Welcome to our classroom! I'm so glad you are here!
I made you a bag of goodies, to help describe our year.

The eraser is to let you know it's ok to make mistakes.
We will correct and learn from them no matter what it takes!

The Smarties say I know you are smart and really special too.
The pencil represents the learning we will do.

The stick of gum is to remind you that our classroom is team.
We will stick together and support each other's dreams!

The Hershey Kiss represents our safe and caring room.
In this type of classroom, you'll be sure to grow and bloom!

Welcome to grade 2!
Ms. Cameron

The students were able to shed their first day jitters during our “Doh Be Shy” activity. Students created Play-Doh sculptures that represented something they wished to share about themselves. Some examples included favorite hobbies, interests, and summer pastimes. Whether it was a love for catching frogs, or enjoying S'mores over the campfire, it was great to see students making connections with one another while bonding over similar interests. Our theme for September is “All About Me” and we will continue to explore what makes us unique as individuals while celebrating our differences. 
Establishing Classroom Rules:
Students brainstormed a list of specific classroom rules, grouped them into categories, and created our final 5 general rules. Students voted on what rules they felt were most important to live by day to day. I was so proud of how well everyone worked together as a team throughout the process. After we finished creating our rules students began discussing how most of our classroom rules are similar to the expectations of us at home. The students enthusiastically came to the conclusion that “We are just like a family!”

Here are our new classroom rules:
1) Make good choices
2) Do your best!
3) Use kind words
4) Respect each other and the environment
5) Raise your hand to speak

The Daily 5:
This week we launched the Daily 5.  We have been working on building our reading stamina, the ability to read independently for a long period of time without being distracted or distracting others.  Together we created our behavior expectations for both students and teacher during the “Read to Self” component of daily 5.

Reading Strategies:
CAFE (Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, Expanding Vocabulary) 

1) The first strategy we have been practicing during read alouds and our daily 5 reading is a comprehension strategy called "Check for Understanding". Check for understanding means asking ourselves questions such as “Who is the story about?” and “What is happening in the story so far?”.  Depending on the length of the story you may want to check for understanding at the end of every page, or at the end of every other page for shorter stories. Encourage your child to back up and re-read if they feel unsure about what it is they have just read.

2) The second strategy we added to our CAFE board is an accuracy strategy called "Cross Checking". Cross checking involves using picture cues to support reading. When students come across a tricky word which they don't know, I encourage them to look at the first letters of the word and then at the picture cues. For example: If students were stuck on the word "vehicle", they would determine the first letters of the word are "ve". At first, students may cross check using the picture cues and try filling in the unknown word with "truck".  However, students will quickly realize that the word "truck" does not start with "ve". Students will try to come up with other words that make sense with both the picture cues, and the letters in the word.

Word Work Wizards! 
Students were very excited about the many words they were able to create by re-arranging the letters of a larger word. The biggest excitement of all came from finding many of our classmates names within the word "extraordinary". The students were so proud, they made sure I snapped a picture to share with you at home!

Home and School Connection:
Practice using “Check for Understanding” and "Cross Checking" when reading with your child.

Have a fantastic weekend! 

Ms. Cameron