Friday, September 20, 2013

Week 3 Update

We have had an exciting week and are learning more about our classmates every day! We are continuing to work on our "All About Me" theme and encouraging kindness within our classroom. We have been talking about how our words and actions affect others and we will continue to build on these friendship skills throughout the semester.

This week we have started working on our printing.  Our work on printing gives students the chance to practice proper letter formation and writing neat on a straight line. Although letter reversals when printing are quite common at the beginning of the year, our focus on individual letters will help correct these mix-ups.  For example, students commonly reverse the letter’s “b” and “d”.  We have been using the terms “sky letters”, “grass letters”, and “dirt letters” as a visual reminder during our writing activities.

In addition to our printing, we also kicked off our spelling program this week. Students will write 10 new “Words of the Week” in their agendas every Monday. Students are expected to practice these words at home and will write their spelling test every Friday. On Friday your child will take home their corrected test to share with you. Please sign their spelling test to show you have seen the results and send the notebook back with your child every Monday.  

Word Work Has Never Been So Fun!
After introducing our “Words of the Week”, I gave students a chance to explore the different word work materials within our room. If students finish their work early, I encourage them to practice their spelling words to help prepare for Friday’s test.  However, students will still need to practice these words at home, as I can’t guarantee they will have enough practice time at school to be successful on Friday’s test. Spelling is part of their weekly homework.  Students can practice and create words using scrabble magnets, banana-grams, letter tiles, letter stamps, whiteboards, “rainbow writing” and more! When I first introduced the idea of “practice your spelling words”, I didn't get many cheers of excitement. However after students realized HOW they were able to practice, they were fully engaged and didn't want to stop! 

We are continuing to work on patterning in math. I love seeing the students take pride in their work and request a picture to share with you at home!  We have been working individually and with partners to create and extend a variety of repeating patterns. Our pattern hunt around the school was a highlight for many this week. Our math detectives were able to find patterns of many shapes, colors and sizes and share their findings with the class.

We have been continuing the Read to Self and Read to Someone components of the daily 5.  Students are learning how to be good reading partners and are currently learning about “Coaching or Time”. When students notice their partner is stuck on a word while reading aloud, they will count to 3 silently and then ask “Do you need coaching or time?”  If their partner requests time, they are to wait patiently while their friend figures out the word on their own. If they request coaching, students work together to decode the unknown word using the many strategies we have been learning during our whole group instruction.

Picking Good Fit Books:
We have been learning how to pick good fit books. Just like Goldilocks in “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”, it’s important to pick books that are not too easy, and not too hard, but just the right fit.  Students are also encouraged to use the “5  Finger Rule” when selecting their books. Thanks to Mrs. Wilke, our students are now able to access the library every single morning, as opposed to the original 3 days a week as described in the Back to School package.  This is great news as students will have a new book to read at home every single night!

Mystery Reader Update:
I’m excited to announce that all of our Mystery Reader dates have been filled! I would like to send a BIG THANK YOU to all of our Mystery Readers for your help with this project. If you are still interested in being a mystery reader, however the dates or times provided didn’t fit your schedule, please let me know.  I would be more than happy to discuss an alternate time with you, so you can be included in the program. Just because the list is “full” doesn't mean we can’t have some additional surprise reading guests throughout the semester!

Please note that there is a typo in the Back to School packages regarding the November conference date. Parent/teacher conferences will be held on Friday, November 29th, not the 30th as shown in the package. 

* Parent Project: Letter About My Child. Please send the letter to school with your child before 
 September 30th

* Please remember to check and sign your child's agenda each night. 

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