Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Mystery Reader

What is a Mystery Reader?
Mystery Readers are special guests who come to our classroom to read a story to our class. Mystery Readers can be parents, guardians, grandparents, older siblings, or other relatives. Occasionally, Mystery Readers may be staff members from Jack MacKenzie School.

When Do Mystery Readers Come?
The program will start in October. A Mystery Reader will come into our classroom every Friday after recess at 2:15.  However, if a Mystery Reader needs a different time to suit their schedule, we’ll be more than happy to accommodate!

How Can I Sign Up To Be a Mystery Reader?
I will fill the Mystery Reader Calendar on a first come first serve basis.  The Mystery Reader sign-up sheet will be available at our Open House. However, you can stop by our classroom at any time or send a request to be part of the program through e-mail (tayler.cameron@rbe.sk.ca). Please be specific about which Friday you would like to attend and the time you are available (if different than 2:15).  I will continue to update the "Available Dates" chart below so you can check in to see which dates are still open as the calendar begins to fill up. I will confirm the date and time with you once I have received your request.  Your child will be SO excited that you participated, but remember to keep it “top secret” until your big day arrives!

How Does The Mystery Reader Program Work?
Once you’ve signed up for an available date to come read to our class, you can start thinking of a book you would like to bring to read. If you don’t have a book, I will be glad to have one for you. When completing the sign up sheet, you will list  5 clues  about yourself that start general, and become more specific. By the fifth clue, your child should be able to guess that you are the special Mystery Reader for the day! We will read one clue each day of the week, leading up to the big reveal of our Mystery Reader on Friday.
It will be a real treat for the students to welcome family, friends and members of the community into our classroom each week. Everyone benefits from listening to adults share their love of reading!
Examples of Clues:
  • I love to read and eat chocolate
  • I work at a school - but not your school! 
  • My family vacations at the beach every summer
  • I have 2 dogs and 1 horse
We mix M&M's in our popcorn every family movie night

Mystery Reader Available Dates:

Friday, October 11, 2013                FILLED
Friday, October 18, 2013                FILLED
Friday October 25, 2013                 FILLED
Friday, November 1, 2013              FILLED

Friday, November 15, 2013            FILLED
Friday, November 22, 2013            FILLED
Friday, December 6, 2013              FILLED
Friday, December 13, 2013            FILLED 
The following is a copy of the sign up sheet. If requesting to participate by email, please include the information below in your message.

 Thank you for volunteering to be a Mystery Reader! Please fill out the following information and send it to school with your child in a sealed envelope. 
Shhh! It's top secret!
Requested Date: ______________________________
Childs: Name:   ________________________________
Mystery Reader’s Name: ________________________
Relation to Child: ______________________________
Mystery Reader’s Phone Number: _________________
Mystery Reader’s Email Address: __________________
___ I have a book to read           ___ I will need a book from the classroom
Clues About the Mystery Reader:
1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________

Thank you for your help with this exciting project!
Ms. Cameron

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